I have had a private practice in psychiatry since 1988. My college degree was in nursing and after graduating, I worked in the field of GYN-oncology.  I then went to medical school, taking a year off along the way to obtain a master's degree in counseling psychology. I proceeded to a residency training program in Adult Psychiatry, followed by a two-year fellowship in College Health. I later completed in-depth educational and experiential training programs in both Adult and Child Psychoanalysis at the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute.

In addition to my private practice, I have worked in a range of settings and held a variety of roles over the years, most significantly having worked at the Brigham and Women's Hospital Outpatient Psychiatry Department. This included teaching in the Harvard-Longwood Residency Training Program, which I continue to do. I am currently an Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.


Kim Foehl, MD     Cambridge MA    Therapist

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